Artwork no. 793
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Title: Zero Gravity Construction Worker
Finished: February 24, 2021
Space station components are big and heavy, it was launched as parts and astronauts need to assemble it in space. These are fictional extension parts of the ISS. I added high detail "Cupola", additional "Pirs Airlock", the inflatable "Bigelow BEAM", and some additional fictional components included the new observation deck. I also updated the ISS texture on the outer panel and frame, and apply ray tracing reflection. The solar panel textures have been reworked using 4K high resolution texture. With this addition, this fictional (future) ISS has total of 3 PMAs and 4 ports for "Soyuz", "Progress" and "ATV".

Creative Commons LicenseThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.