Title: Undine Apprentice Finished: dummy , TGV This may called double fanart, a fanart of a fanart. The original idea of placing Rin as Undine can be considered a fanart, so a fanart of that Undine Rin might be called double. Confused right? Frankly, I've never thought that someone could make Rin so cute like this, it's beyond my imagination as the chara designer. Rin image has changed many times since created, from exact personality copy of Aya, a cool girl and now become cute teenager as I did in the latest revision. This fanart really captured the image that I want to see from Rin. Cute, but still cool. Anyway regarding the uniform, actually my uniform design has 2 stripes, but I think it's okay making it just one. Also I agree with the idea of removing the shirt pocket, looks better like this. One more thing, Rin eyes supposedly cyan colored like duck egg, seeing her in aquamarine blue makes her looks kindy scary, ne?