Artwork no. 457

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Title: Winter 2007 Line-Up
Finished: Desember 15, 2007
The usual quarterly chara lineup. Allright, all of them are hi-poly figures, and they made my PC cried a lot. I was unable to merge all those 4 figures in Bryce anymore, I got out of memory crash although I have 2GB of memory. Sure, I need an upgrade soon to have 4GB memory. So, better than asking people for borrowing their PC, I made some workaround. I set a atge and load only 2 figures at a time and render it. Then I delete the left most and adding a new one on the right side, then render it again. I did this 3 times for all 4 figures, then assemble those rendered images in Photoshop so I have complete 4 figures image. Well, I knew this would happened since half a year ago, when I got out or memory error while saving my works, but this this it's worse because they figure couldn't be loaded at all.

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